ACTRIS Topical Center for Microwave Radiometers
The ACTRIS Center for Cloud Remote Sensing (CCRES) coordinates the remote sensing observation across the ACTRIS network. CCRES sets the standards for these observations, thus defines measurement requirements and develops centralized data processing and data quality assurance and quality control measures. Additionally, ACTRIS CCRES offers specialized services to ACTRIS users of various types: academia, business, industry and public services.
Ground-based MicroWave Radiometers (MWR) are one of the required instruments for an ACTRIS Cloud Remote Sensing Station. They observe continuously cloud liquid water path, integrated water vapor as well as the temperature profile in the lowest kilometers of the atmosphere. Our Wiki on MWR gives you the essential background.
The Topical Center Unit for MWR at the University of Cologne is responsible for defining the ACTRIS requirements for MWR, developing and maintaining centralized data processing routines (including so-called retrieval algorithms) and ensuring that the ACTRIS stations across Europe meet these requirements on the long-term. Regular hands-on training courses on MWR operations are offered to new as well as experienced MWR operators and users. For this, different reference MWR are operated at JOYCE and continuous exchange with instrument manufacturers is maintained.
The University of Cologne has committed to providing the Topical Unit MWR services to ACTRIS for at least 10 years after the finalization of the ACTRIS implementation phase in 2026. Within ACTRIS-D ("Deutschland"), a BMBF-funded collaborative research initiative, funding was provided to establish the Topical Unit, including the acquisition of different state-of-the-art MWR. After the implementation phase, the Topical Center operations are supported long-term through ACTRIS-ERIC and the German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMU).
Topical Center Support