Confirmed Invited speakers:
- Margaret Kivelson rotation rate theory
- Jim Carbary/Don Mitchell rotation rate Saturn, energetic particle observation
- Baptiste Cecconi rotation rate Saturn, radio observations
- Denis Grodent aurora (HST, new developments Jupiter/Saturn)
- Wayne Pryor uvis aurora
- Chris Arridge global magnetospheric field
- Emma Bunce magnetosphere/aurora
- Abigail Rymer electrons in Saturn's magnetosphere
- Nicolas André interchange
- Todd Smith influence neutrals on magsphere
- Peter Delamere hot electrons and Enceladus/Io tori
- Krishan Khurana icy satellites with thin atmospheres (not Titan)
- Carol Paty enceladus including remote sensing
- Xianzhe Jia Ganymede
- Dave Young titan observations
- Sven Simon titan modeling
- Philippe Zarka exoplanets
- David Southwood outer planets missions
- Scott Bolton NASA outer planets missions
Program Committee:
- Fran Bagenal
- Tom Hill
- Carol Paty
- Don Mitchell
- Emma Bunce
- John Clarke
- Michele Dougherty
- Margaret Kivelson
- Philippe Zarka
- Bill Kurth
- Kurt Retherford
- Fritz Neubauer
- Joachim Saur