RG Shao: Atmospheric turbulence under non-stratified (left) and strongly stratified (right) conditions - C. Ansorge
Die Forschungsgruppen am Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie Köln
- Angewandte Geophysik (Prof. Dr. Bülent Tezkan)
- Weltraumgeophysik (Prof. Dr. Joachim Saur)
- Hydrogeophysik (Prof. Dr. Anja Klotzsche)
- Atmospheric Water Cycle and Remote Sensing (Prof. Dr. Susanne Crewell)
- Exploiting Observations in Meteorology (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Löhnert)
- Atmosphärische Modellierung (Prof. Dr. Yaping Shao)
- Integrated Scale-Adaptive Parametrization and Evaluation (Prof. Dr. Roel Neggers)
- Exploiting Spatiotemporal Cloud Patterns to Advance Severe Storms Process Understanding and Detection (Dr. Claudia Acquistapace)
- Data assimilation in the geosciences (Prof. Dr. Nikki Vercauteren)
- HESCOR - Cultural Evolution in Changing Climate: Human & Earth System Coupled Research
- Collaborative Research Centre 806: Our Way to Europe
- Collaborative Research Centre 1211: Earth at its Dry Limit
- Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 172: Arctic Amplification
- BMBF project: WarmWorld
- ACTRIS-D: Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Infrastructure
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