BMD, Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorandenseminar
Vst.-Art | Tag | Zeit | Raum |
Seminar | Dienstag Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 09:15 - 10:45 | 4.001 3.136 |
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Seminare BMD
Datum | Zeit | Vortragende | Thema | FB | Studiengang | Modul |
10/10/2023 | 12:00 | Lisa Weber | Climate response to volcanic eruptions in the CMIP6 historical experiments | M | Master | PWORK |
17/10/2023 | 12:15 | Carolin Probst | Vergleich sommerlicher Ahrhochwasser hinsichtlich meteorologischer und hydrologischer Faktoren | M | Bachelor | BACHAR |
17/10/2023 | 12:45 | Yvonne Puttkamer | Investigation of vertical cloud profiles at Ny-Ålesund and the Greenland Sea with a reanalysis | M | Master | PWORK |
24/10/2023 | 12:15 | Amandine Kaiser | Sensitivity of the nocturnal and polar boundary layer to transient phenomena | M | Promotion |
26/10/2023 | 09:15 | Nora Schoeder | Untersuchungen von Schelfeisen mit Leistungsdichtespektren | G | Bachelor |
31/10/2023 | 12:15 | Neelam Firdous Khan | Contrail cirrus in the UTLS | M | Master | PWORK |
02/11/2023 | 09:15 | Stefan Duling | Inversion modeling of Juno's flyby at Ganymede | G | Promotion |
07/11/2023 | 12:15 | Theresa Kiszler | Using ICON-LEM in an Arctic environment to study microphysical parameterizations | M | Promotion |
09/11/2023 | 09:15 | Stefan Schöttle | CSEM Forward modelling of different sources in the RMT frequency band | G | Promotion |
14/11/2023 | 12:15 | Andreas Walbröl | Water Vapour in the Central Arctic: Towards reference observations from the MOSAiC expedition to evaluate satelite products and reanalyses | M | Promotion |
21/11/2023 | 12:15 | Tilman Hiller | Capability of surface GPR measurements to detect properties of shallow roots | G | Master | PWORK |
21/11/2023 | 13:00 | Yannik Burchart | Focusing on Clouds: Comparing Cumulus cloud fields of Large-Eddy Simulations with Camera Observations | M | Promotion |
23/11/2023 | 09:15 | Anatol Große-Schware | Ohmic heating within the Galilean satellites | G | Master | PWORK |
28/11/2023 | 12:15 | Sophia Schiebel | Multi-scale high resolution geophysics to image the soil-root zone | G | Promotion |
30/11/2023 | 9:15 | Jason Winkenstern | Induced magnetic field of Europa | G | Promotion |
05/12/2023 | 12:15 | Lars van Gelder | Cold pool detection during FESSTVaL | M | Master | PWORK |
05/12/2023 | 13:00 | Jan Rödder | Ray-based Inversion using Synthetic Data derived from a Digital Twin of the Selhausen Rhizotron Facilities | G | Master | MASTR |
07/12/2023 | 09:15 | June Piasecki | Characterization of electrons in Jupiters equatorial magnetosphere | G | Master | PWORK |
19/12/2023 | 12:15 | Christian Buhren | Case study of a polar low during HALO-(AC)^3 | M | Master | PWORK |
19/12/2023 | 13:00 | Lena Bruder | Regional Wind Systems in Cologne Bay during UHI Events | M | Master | PWORK |
21/12/2023 | 09:15 | Jaime Roas | Investigating sedimentary sequences and basement geometry using loop source TEM, case study of the Salar Grande, Atacama Desert, Chile | G | Master | PWORK |
09/01/2024 | 12:15 | Anika Horst | Gibt es in der Grenzschicht oder freien Troposphäre mehr Wasserdampf? | M | Bachelor | FBK-BACHSEM |
09/01/2024 | 12:45 | Paolo Andreozzi | Improving aerosol-cloud interactions in the ECMWF global forecasting system | M | Promotion |
11/01/2024 | 09:15 | Hannah Nienhaus | Geophysical Imaging of the Roter Kamm Crater, Namibia, using Transient Electromangetics | G | Promotion |
16/01/2024 | 12:15 | Jonathan Kostelecky | Simulation and Scaling Analysis of Periodic Surfaces with Small-Scale Roughness in Turbulent Ekman Flow | M | Promotion |
16/01/2024 | 13:15 | Preethi Sradha Krishnan | Identifying horizontal inhomogeneities in scanning MWR and LES model | M | Master | PWORK |
18/01/2024 | 09:15 | Till Vondenhoff | TEM at breathtaking heights: Imaging the shallow fumarolic system of Lastarria volcano, Chile | G | Master |
23/01/2024 | 12:15 | José Vicencio | The overlooked role of westerly moisture as a source of summer rainfall in the hyperarid Atacama Desert | M | Promotion |
30/01/2024 | 12:15 | Lara Stumm | Wie wirkt sich die Klimaänderung an den Standorten astronomischer Observatorien aus? | M | Bachelor | FBK-BACHSEM |
30/01/2024 | 12:45 | Luise Schulte | Representation of Arctic Mixed-Phase clouds in the ECMWF-IFS during MOSAiC | M | Promotion |
01/02/2024 | 09:15 | Sven Burberg | Geophysikalische Messung in Kuwait mit magnetischem Messverfahren | G | Bachelor | FBK-BACHSEM |
01/02/2024 | 10:00 | David Strack | Callisto's Induced Magnetic Field | G | Promotion |
23/02/2024 | 14:00 | Luise Helmstreit | Ändert sich die Wolkenobergrenze über Ny-Ålesund? | M | Bachelor | FBK-BACHSEM |
25/03/2024 | 14:00 | Nastaran Najari | Analysis of the Urban Heat Island effect as represented in COSMO-REA6 | M | Master | MASTR |
27/03/2024 | 11:00 | Anika Horst | Ein Vergleich der Feuchte in der planetaren Grenzschicht und der freien Atmosphäre | M | Bachelor | BACHAR |