BMD, Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorandenseminar
Vst.-Art | Tag | Zeit | Raum |
Seminar | Dienstag Donnerstag | 12:00 - 13:30 09:15 - 10:45 | 3.136 |
Die Vorbesprechung findet am 2. April 2019 um 12:00 Uhr in Raum 3.136 statt.
Seminare BMD
Datum | Zeit | Vortragende | Thema | FB | Studiengang | Modul |
02/04/2019 | 12:00 | Vorbesprechung |
04/04/2019 | 9:15 | Kendra Gilmore | Analyse der Geschwindigkeitsverteilung von Elektronen bei Landau Dämpfung | G | Bachelor | FBK BACHSEM |
11/04/2019 | 9:15 | Sophia Schiebel | Die Anwendung der Magnetik zur Lokalisation archäologischer Fundamentüberreste einer historischen Kirche in Norf (NRW) | G | Bachelor | FBK BACHSEM |
11/04/2019 | 9:45 | Anne-Cathrine Dott | Kleinskalige Fluktuationen in Jupiters Magnetosphäre (anhand Raumsonden-Daten von Voyager 1) | G | Bachelor | FBK BACHSEM |
16/04/2019 | 12:00 | Sarah Westbrook | Thermodynamic retrieval generation for microwave radiometer measurements at Iquique | M | Master | PROJ |
23/04/2019 | 12:00 | Torben Lux | Niederschlagsentstehung in warmen Wolken | M | Bachelor | FBK BACHSEM |
02/05/2019 | 9:15 | Matthew Oviawe | RMT survey in a mining environment in Kiruna, Sweden | G | Master | PROJ |
09/05/2019 | 9:15 | Alexander Marzok | Mapping the brightness of Ganymede's UV aurora using HST/STIS observations | G | Master | MASTR |
14/05/2019 | 12:00 | Clarissa Willmes | Plasma in Magnetospheres of Brown Dwarfs | G | Master | PROJ |
14/05/2019 | 12:45 | Annika Salveter | Electron distribution function in the Jovian Aurora | G | Master | PROJ |
16/05/2019 | 9:15 | Clara Betancourt | Lagrangian particle dispersion modeling of stable carbon isotope ratios to track the chemical aging of biomass burning aerosol | M | Master | MASTR |
16/05/2019 | 10:00 | Larissa Reineccius | Die Anwendung der Gleichstromgeoelektrik zur Erkundung archäologischer Strukturen der alten Kirche Norf | G | Bachelor | FBK BACHSEM |
28/05/2019 | 12:00 | Stephan Schlegel | Io's plasma interaction | G | Promotion |
28/05/2019 | 13:00 | David Calvo-Prieto | Ions' dynamics in Jupiter's Middle Magnetosphere | G | Master | PROJ |
04/06/2019 | 12:00 | Christian Wedemeyer | Kleinskalige Wasserdampfvariabilität in Beobachtungen und Modellen | M | Bachelor | BACHSEM |
04/06/2019 | 12:30 | Annika Vogel | Optimized ensemble simulation for uncertain coupled model parameters by Karhunen-Loève expansion | M | Promotion |
18/06/2019 | 12:00 | Robert Scheele | Potential of high resolution ICON-LEM simulations for wind power forecasts | M | Master | MASTR |
18/06/2019 | 12:45 | Torben Lux | Niederschlagsentstehung in warmen Wolken | M | Bachelor | BACHSEM |
25/06/2019 | 12:00 | Sybille Schoger | Snowfall rate retrieval from ground-based in-situ and radar measurements | M | Master | MASTR |
25/06/2019 | 13:00 | Marek Jacob | Investigating warm clouds over the tropical Atlantic with airborne remote sensing | M | Promotion |
27/06/2019 | 9:15 | Sascha Janser | Properties of Kinetic Alfvén Waves along auroral field lines | G | Promotion |
02/07/2019 | 12:00 | Tatiana Nomokonova | Influence of atmospheric conditions on cloud properties and their radiative effect at Ny-Alesund | M | Promotion |
04/07/2019 | 9:15 | Sophia Schiebel | Die Anwendung der Magnetik zur Lokalisation archäologischer Fundamentüberreste einer historischen Kirche in Norf (NRW) | G | Bachelor | BACHAR |
04/07/2019 | 10:00 | Hannah Nienhaus | Application of Tipper in Transient Electromagnetics and Modelling | G | Master | PROJ |
09/07/2019 | 12:00 | Ana Radovan | Variability and trends of water vapour in the Arctic – the role of polar lows and atmospheric rivers | M | Promotion |
09/07/2019 | 13:00 | Giancarlo Marrollo | Zukünftige Veränderungen in der Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit von Dürre über Mitteleuropa | M | Bachelor | FBK BACHSEM |
11/07/2019 | 9:15 | Kendra Gilmore | Abhängigkeit der Landau Dämpfung von den Startbedingungen der Elektronen | G | Bachelor | BACHAR |
11/07/2019 | 10:00 | Anne-Cathrine Dott | Kleinskalige Fluktuationen in Jupiters Magnetosphäre (anhand Raumsonden-Daten von Voyager 1) | G | Bachelor | BACHAR |
02/09/2019 | 14:00 | Johannes Vieten | Development of an automatic radar-based storm identification, tracking and nowcasting algorithm | M | Master | MASTR |
02/09/2019 | 15:00 | Leonie von Terzi | How does the snowflake structure affect its scattering properties | M | Master | MASTR |
23/09/2019 | 10:00 | Larissa Reineccius | Die Anwendung der Gleichstromgeoelektrik zur Erkundung archäologischer Strukturen der alten Kirche in Norf | G | Bachelor | BACHAR |
23/09/2019 | 11:00 | Christian Wedemeyer | Kleinskalige Wasserdampfvariabilität in Beobachtungen und Modellen an der Zugspitze | M | Bachelor | BACHAR |