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METFUT I, Future Challenges in Meteorology

Course TypeDayTimeRoom
Introductory lectures

Monday, 14.04.

Tuesday, 15.04.

13:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 12:00



Machine Learning in Meteorology

The course will start with two introductory lectures into machine learning and an overview on various applications in the broad field of meteorology. Each student will be assigned an actual machine learning science problem on which they will work during the semester with regular exchange with the supervisors. The course will have an interim and a final presentation, as well as a write-up of the results of each of the projects. 

The METFUT will start with two meetings on Monday 14th 1-4 p.m. and Tuesday 15th April 9 a.m.-12 noon with introductory lectures in machine learning and to mix and match students, supervisors and projects.

Link to METFUT II? METFUT is NOT in any way linked to the course METFUT II held by Dr. Acquistapace et al. The two modules are independent and each can be taken without any participation to the other one. In case of additional doubts, do not hesitate to ask questions to Dr. Acquistapace or Dr. Böhm.