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Specialisation Module: Planetary Gravity Fields from Spacecraft Radio Tracking
Identification number


180 h


1st - 3rd Semester
Offered Every

on special announcement

on special announcement

1 semester
1 Course types
a) Lecture
b) Exercises
Contact time
30 h
15 h
Private study
60 h
30 h
2 Module objectives and skills to be acquired

Introduction to methods for the determination of masses, gravity fields, bulk densities of solar system objects from observations

Acquired skills:
  • presentation techniques
  • critical assessment
  • discussion of scientific work.
3 Module Content
  1.  Introduction
    • What is Radio Tracking (Radio Science)?
    • Motivation: Why are planetary gravity fields interesting?
  2. Force of gravity (brief recall)
    • Kepler laws and Newtons Formulation
    • The potential of a massive body
    • The Laplace Equation and its solution
    • The Meaning of the Gravity Coefficients
  3. Determination of global gravity fields (method)
    • Spacecraft radio tracking
    • Spacecraft orbits and perturbations
    • Global gravity fields
  4. Mass determinations from Flybys
    • mass determination from spacecraft flybys
    • error budgets
    • examples: dwarf-planets, moons, asteroids
  5. Global gravity fields (observations)
    • Earth
    • Mars, Venus & Mercury
    • Giant planets
  6. Extrasolar planetary systems
Murray & Dermott, Solar System Dynamics, Cambridge University Press 1999, 2010; ISBN 0-521-57597-4
4 Teaching methods

Lecture, exercise: in-depth discussion and calculations of selected topics
5 Prerequisites (for the module)

Formal: None.
The content of the course requires the undergraduate knowledge of mathematics, physics and space geophysics.
6 Type of examination

At the beginning of the lecture-free period, there is a 120 to 180-minute written examination, the content of which is the material from the lecture and exercises. Successful completion of the exercises is required for admission to the examination; for this, the acquisition of 50% of the points to be achieved is sufficient. A repeat examination is offered before or at the beginning of the following semester.
The written examination grade is the module grade. In the case of two passed examinations (see § 20 paragraph 10 examination regulations), the better grade is the module grade.
7 Credits awarded

The module is passed, and the credit points will be awarded, if the written examination is passed.
8 Compatibility with other curricula

Suitable as an elective course for physics students.
9 Proportion of final grade

Weight of the module grade in the overall grade:  6/150 (4 %)
10 Module coordinator

Martin Pätzold
11 Further information

Version: 2023-03-24