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Research stay abroad (for thesis)

The bachelor or master thesis can in general be combined with a research stay abroad, e.g. at an institution or working group with whom we already cooperate scientifically. However, if such a possibility exists for your specific thesis topic has to be discussed individually with your thesis supervisor at the Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology. Be aware that you would still complete the corresponding modules at the University of Cologne and a local supervisor at the Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology is mandatory. For the master program, it is convenient to combine the module PWORK with a research stay abroad.


For a research stay in a European country, funding might be available via the ERASMUS+ internship program. In this case, an individual Learning Agreement is drafted between the student, the sending institution (i.e. the local ERASMUS+ contact at the University of Cologne) and the supervisor at the institution where the internship is completed. The application for an ERASMUS+ funding for an internship can be handed in any time, but latest 2 month before the planned start of the internship. The ERASMUS+ internship itself must last at least 2 months (maximum 12 months).

For non-European countries the PROMOS stipend program supports the international mobility of students. However, the PROMOS application is more time-consuming since also a language certificate is required. So please plan your application well in advance. More details on PROMOS can be found here.

If no other funding options are available, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences supports the international mobility of students with some money (300€ – 600€). More information can be found here.

If you decided to apply for a funding program, please contact us.