The courses will mostly take place in presence and will be streamed online (hybrid mode). Please inform yourself about the individual handling of the modules in the course catalog.
More detailed information about teaching in winter semester 21/22, general Corona rules and 3G controls can be found here.
Note on praticipation rights:
The examination regulation requires compulsory participation in exercises, seminars and lab/field work. This will also be the case this summer semester. If you are unable to attend them on a regular basis e.g. due to technical problems, please immediately contact the examination office.
Note on privacy rights:
During participation in interactive teaching sessions (e.g. via Zoom) photos and video of you personal surrounding can be broadcasted. Exercises, seminars etc (general: teaching sessions in which your personal surroundings are visible) will not be recorded. With help of some techinal tools you are able to hide your surroundings to some degree. If you have any concerns about your privacy please contact geomet-krisenstab(at)uni-koeln.de.