BMD, Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorandenseminar
Vst.-Art | Day | Time | Room |
Seminar | Tuesday Thursday | 12:00 - 13:30 09:15 - 10:45 | 3.136 |
The preliminary date for th kick-off meeting (with assignment of talk dates) for the BMD seminar will be October 9th 2018, at 12:00 in the large seminar room (3.136).
Seminare BMD
Datum | Zeit | P | Vortragende | Thema | FB | Studiengang | Modul |
18/10/2018 | 09:15 | P | Alex Marzok | Processing Spectral HST Images to observe Ganymede's UV Aurora | G | Master | PROJ |
08/11/2018 | 09:15 | P | Christian Fischer | Modelling observability of Star-planet interaction | G | Promotion |
13/11/2018 | 12:00 | P | Christian Wegener | Human Existence Potential and Mobility Model for hunter-gatherer based on climate simulations | M | Promotion |
15/11/2018 | 9:15 | P | Tobias Marke | Long-term characterization of the boundary layer for studying land-surface atmosphere interactions | M | Promotion |
20/11/2018 | 12:00 | P | Sybille Schoger | Snowfall rate retrieval from ground-based in-situ and radar measurements | M | Master | PROJ |
20/11/2018 | 12:45 | P | Robert Scheele | Potenital of high resolution ICON-LEM simulations for wind power forecast | M | Master | PROJ |
27/11/2018 | 12:00 | P | Thirza van Laar | Characterization of the spatial distribution of shallow cumulus cloud populations using LES | M | Promotion |
29/11/2018 | 9:15 | P | Sabrina Schnitt | Combining dual-frequency radar and microwave radiometer for improved water vapor profiling in the cloudy atmosphere | M |
11/12/2018 | 12:00 | P | Paraskevi Vourlioti | Evaluating satellite and ground based observations for short term forecasting | M | Promotion |
11/12/2018 | 12:45 | P | EURAD Präsentation |
13/12/2018 | 9:15 | P | Leonie von Terzi | How does the snowflake structure affect its scattering properties? | M | Master | PROJ |
18/12/2018 | 12:00 | P | Justus Sagemüller | MHD Simulation of a Rotating Magnetic Field Like Neptune's | G | Master | Colloquium |
18/12/2018 | 12:45 | P | Johannes Wergen | Radar-based Storm Identification, Tracking and Nowcasting | M |
08/01/2019 | 12:00 | P | Christopher Frank | Regional reanalyses: Validation and application in the scope of renewable energy | M |
10/01/2019 | 9:15 | P | Leif-Leonhard Kliesch | Data processing - Microwave Radar/radiometer for Arctic Clouds (MiRAC) | M |
22/01/2019 | 12:00 | P | Konstantin Klein | Human existence in Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum with regard to the climatic conditions | M |
22/01/2019 | 13:00 | P | Anna Hermann-Czezuch | Einfluss atmosphärischer Parameter auf die Leistung von Photovoltaikanlagen - Untersuchung spektraler Effekte | M | Promotion |
24/01/2019 | 9:15 | P | José Dias Neto | Investigating microphysical processes in ice and snow clouds using novel combination of polarimetric and multi-frequency cloud radars | M | Promotion |
31/01/2019 | 09:15 | P | Zahra Parsakhoo | Multi scale interaction between convection and land-surface heterogeneity | M | Promotion |
14/03/2019 | 10:00 | P | Michael Schöffel | Analysis of JUNO-observed Pitch Angle Spectra in Jupiter's Magnetosphere | G | Master | Colloquium |
14/03/2019 | 10:50 | P | Tobias Kartmann | Combined fixed- and central loop TEM and DCR measurements to localize the Garzweiler coal intrusion and Nysterbach fault structure | G | Master | Colloquium |