Information on the BMD Seminar
The scheduling for the BMD seminar in the winter term 2020/21 will again take place online.
The BMD seminar is an envelope for: Bachelor seminar (BACHSEM), Bachelor colloquium (BACHAR) of the bachelor degree programme, the Project Work seminar (PWORK) and the Master colloquium of the master degree programm, and the seminars for the postgraduates/PhD students. The BMD seminar talks will be held online (via Zoom) until further notice.
I entered the available dates in the DFN scheduler service and would like to ask everyone who needs a date for a talk in the BMD seminar to enter their prerferences there after checking with their advisor(s). Please use the green ticks for the preferred dates, the orange ticks in parentheses for otherwise possible dates and the red crosses for dates that are definitely not possible. In order for this process to work it is important that all participants use as many green and orange ticks as possible.
As a reminder, the Tuesday slots are forseen for meteorology talks, the Thursday slots for geophysics talks, exceptions are possible if needed.
Important: Please use the comment function after you submitted your date selection and furnish the following information:
thesis advisor(s)
degree programme/module
title of talk (please always provide, possibly provisional, may be changed later)
Please contact if you haven't yet received the link to the scheduling poll.
We would be grateful for a quick participation (until October 1st, 2020 if possible) in the poll.